I am trying to use an array texture 2D in metal by following what I could dig about them from the internet. I was successfully able to initialise my texture array but now I am stuck with an error that shows up after binding the texture with myEncoder.setFragmentTexture(myTextureArray, index: myIndex)
Failed assertion `Fragment Function(basicFragment): incorrect type of
texture (MTLTextureType2DArray) bound at texture binding at index 0
(expect MTLTextureType2D) for texture[0].
No idea what I am doing wrong here and unfortunately neither does Google. I guess I need to call a specific function to bind an array texture instead of the one used to bind ordinary textures (setFragmentTexture
), or maybe I am mysteriously setting my texture type to be single 2D texture somewhere else and not allowing a texture array to be set? So my question is:
How to appropriately bind my texture array in Metal?
My fragment shader:
fragment float4 basicFragment(VertexOut vertexOut [[ stage_in ]],
texture2d<float> texture [[ texture(0) ]],
sampler sampler2D [[ sampler(0) ]])
return texture.sample(sampler2D, vertexOut.texCoord, vertexOut.slice);
According to the Metal Shading Language Specification, on page 26:
The following example uses access qualifiers with texture object arguments.
void foo (texture2d<float> imgA [[texture(0)]],
texture2d<float, access::read> imgB [[texture(1)]],
texture2d<float, access::write> imgC [[texture(2)]])
On the previous page, they show that instead of using texture2d<type, access>
, you'd use texture2d_array<type, access>
for a 2D
texture array. So I think it would be something like:
void basicFragment(texture2d_array<float> imgA [[texture(0)]],...
for example.