Let's say I have a pattern in unicode types (or Unicode Categories, according to https://www.regular-expressions.info/unicode.html)
I'm trying to write a sql query, selecting entries in the column which corresponds exactly to the pattern.
I do have entry "2343" in this column, along with many other mixed Letter-Number, or longer (more than 4) Number unicode characters.
I want to retrieve exactly "2343", (or any 4 unicode numbers entry).
Tried a few, for example
SELECT field1
FROM myTable1
WHERE regexp_like(field1, '[^\p{N}{4}S]');
SELECT field1
FROM myTable1
WHERE regexp_like(field1, '[^\p{N}\p{N}\p{N}\p{N}S]');
Nothing works.
It seems that's not the oracle syntax for unicode character classes.
Try [:digit:]
for any digit.
see here