I'm trying to use Caffe in Anaconda3 on windows, but when I try to import caffe in iPython, it shows this error:
ImportError: No module named caffe
I tried to add a new system variable named PYTHONPATH which looks like this:
It still shows the same error. I would appreciate if anyone mentioned what am I missing here?
REM Create a new conda environment to install Caffe REM You can use python 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7
conda create -n caffe python=3.7
REM activate the environment REM Depending on your conda version you may have to use activate caffe
conda activate caffe
REM add the anaconda channel to resolve all dependencies
conda config --add channels anaconda
REM Install caffe with cuda support or install caffe-cpu if you do not want CUDA support
conda install caffe -c willyd
Answer taken from here: https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/issues/6569#issuecomment-432491851