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Python: monkey patch a function's source code

Can I add a prefix and suffix to the source code of functions?

I know about decorators and do not want to use them (the minimal example below doesn't make clear why, but I have my reasons).

def f():
g = patched(f,prefix='print("Hello, ");',suffix='print("!");')
g() # Hello, world!

Here is what I have so far:

import inspect
import ast
import copy
def patched(f,prefix,suffix):
    source = inspect.getsource(f)
    tree = ast.parse(source)
    new_body = [
    tree.body[0].body = new_body
    g = copy.deepcopy(f)
    g.__code__ = compile(tree,g.__code__.co_filename,'exec')
    return g

Unfortunately, nothing happens if I use this and then call g() as above; neither world nor Hello, world! are printed.


  • Here is a rough version of what can be done:

    import inspect
    import ast
    import copy
    def patched(f,prefix,suffix):
        source = inspect.getsource(f)
        tree = ast.parse(source)
        new_body = [
        tree.body[0].body = new_body
        code = compile(tree,filename=f.__code__.co_filename,mode='exec')
        namespace = {}
        g = namespace[f.__name__]
        return g
    def temp():
    def f():
    g = patched(f,prefix='print("Hello, ",end="")',suffix='print("!",end="")')
    g() # Hello, world!

    The call of compile compiles an entire module (represented by tree). This module is then executed in an empty namespace from which the desired function is finally extracted. (Warning: the namespace will need to be filled with some globals from where f comes from if f uses those.)

    After some more work, here is a real example of what can be done with this. It uses some extended version of the principle above:

    import numpy as np
    from playground import graphexecute
    def my_algorithm(x,y,z):
        def SumFirstArguments(x,y)->sumxy:
            sumxy = x+y
        def SinOfThird(z)->sinz:
            sinz = np.sin(z)
        def FinalProduct(sumxy,sinz)->prod:
            prod = sumxy*sinz
        def Return(prod):
            return prod
    #>>Executing part SumFirstArguments
    #>>Executing part SinOfThird
    #>>Executing part FinalProduct
    #>>Executing part Return

    The clou is that I get the exact same output if I reshuffle the parts of my_algorithm, for example like this:

    def my_algorithm2(x,y,z):
        def FinalProduct(sumxy,sinz)->prod:
            prod = sumxy*sinz
        def SumFirstArguments(x,y)->sumxy:
            sumxy = x+y
        def SinOfThird(z)->sinz:
            sinz = np.sin(z)
        def Return(prod):
            return prod
    #>>Executing part SumFirstArguments
    #>>Executing part SinOfThird
    #>>Executing part FinalProduct
    #>>Executing part Return

    This works by (1) grabbing the source of my_algorithm and turning it into an ast (2) patching each function defined within my_algorithm (e.g. SumFirstArguments) to return locals (3) deciding based on the inputs and the outputs (as defined by the type hints) in which order the parts of my_algorithm should be executed. Furthermore, a possibility that I do not have implemented yet is to execute independent parts in parallel (such as SumFirstArguments and SinOfThird). Let me know if you want the sourcecode of graphexecute, I haven't included it here because it contains a lot of stuff that is not relevant to this question.