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Checking residuals: Forecast -> checkresiduals and bgtest

I am using Rob Hyndman's forecast package, and I'd like to extract some of the values from the checkresiduals function. Is there a way to call checkresiduals(model) and then extract the p-value, lag, and df for the Ljung-Box Test that the function calls? The function simply prints the output to the console like so:

> checkresiduals(arima_model)

    Ljung-Box test

data:  Residuals from ARIMA(0,1,3)(2,0,1)[7]
Q* = 29.221, df = 8, p-value = 0.00029

If I were interested instead on running the Breusch-Godfrey Test using the parameters specified by the model that auto.arima discovered, would


be sufficient to specify the correct maximal order and regressors?

Thank you!


  • Both parts of your question relate to how the function forecast::checkresiduals actually works. This function is written in pure R, so I would suggest going over the code by just running the forecast::checkresiduals command in the console.

    For the LB case you can get the p-value like so:

    arima_model <- forecast::auto.arima(WWWusage)
    LBtest <- Box.test(zoo::na.approx(residuals(arima_model))
                       , fitdf = length(arima_model$coef)
                       , lag = max( length(arima_model$coef) + 3
                                    , min(10, length(residuals(arima_model))/5) )
                       , type = 'Ljung')

    The second part of your question has more intricacies and depends on your data and the context of your analysis, but you should be careful in using the auto.arima function.
