I am using Rob Hyndman's forecast
package, and I'd like to extract some of the values from the checkresiduals
function. Is there a way to call checkresiduals(model)
and then extract the p-value, lag, and df for the Ljung-Box Test that the function calls? The function simply prints the output to the console like so:
> checkresiduals(arima_model)
Ljung-Box test
data: Residuals from ARIMA(0,1,3)(2,0,1)[7]
Q* = 29.221, df = 8, p-value = 0.00029
If I were interested instead on running the Breusch-Godfrey Test using the parameters specified by the model that auto.arima
discovered, would
be sufficient to specify the correct maximal order and regressors?
Thank you!
Both parts of your question relate to how the function forecast::checkresiduals
actually works. This function is written in pure R, so I would suggest going over the code by just running the forecast::checkresiduals
command in the console.
For the LB case you can get the p-value like so:
arima_model <- forecast::auto.arima(WWWusage)
LBtest <- Box.test(zoo::na.approx(residuals(arima_model))
, fitdf = length(arima_model$coef)
, lag = max( length(arima_model$coef) + 3
, min(10, length(residuals(arima_model))/5) )
, type = 'Ljung')
The second part of your question has more intricacies and depends on your data and the context of your analysis, but you should be careful in using the auto.arima