I have to solve a cryptogram which looks like this:
where length of variables may be different. Also repetition may be different (like 0.XYZXYZ...). I've written a piece of code which I thought will work but it doesn't:
cryp(A,B,C) :-
mn(A, X),
mn(B, Y),
mn(C, Z),
Z = X/Y.
mn([], 0).
mn([H|T], W) :- D is 10, mn(T, W1), length(T, D), P is 10^D, W is W1 + H*P.
I execute it as crypt([A,B,C], [D,E,F], [G,H]). I thought it will at least solve ABC / DEF = GH just to have any part of working solution but it doesn't work.
I don't have any clue how to do it even for one example input. I don't know how to represent 0.GHGHGH....
EDIT: mn/2 is for converting list of digits to number ([1,2,3] -> 123).
Here is clp(fd)-way
?- use_module(library(clpfd)).
?- Vars=[A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H], Vars ins 0..9, A#\=0, D#\=0, ((10*A + B)*10+C)*99 #= ((10*D+E)*10+F)*(10*G+H),all_distinct(Vars),forall(label(Vars),format('~w~n',[Vars])).