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react-router-dom Failed prop type: Invalid prop `exact` of type `string`

I met some strange warning when I try to use <Route /> component. Please pay your attention into a line <Route exact={"true"} .../> which makes strange browser warnings described beneath code sample.

    <Provider store={appStore}>
        <ConnectedRouter store={appStore} history={history}>
                    <Route exact={"true"} path="/" component={App}/>
                    <Route render={() => <h1>404, not found</h1>} />

Browser console says me next:

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop exact of type string supplied to Route, expected boolean. in Route (at src/index.tsx:19) index.js:1452

And the following warning after prev one is absolutely apposite by text logic

Warning: Received true for a non-boolean attribute exact.

If you want to write it to the DOM, pass a string instead: exact="true" or exact={value.toString()}. in a (created by Context.Consumer) in Link (at App.tsx:25) in header (at App.tsx:11) in div (at App.tsx:10) in App (created by Context.Consumer) in Route (at src/index.tsx:19) in Switch (at src/index.tsx:18) in Router (created by BrowserRouter) in BrowserRouter (at src/index.tsx:17) in Router (created by ConnectedRouter) in ConnectedRouter (at src/index.tsx:16) in Provider (at src/index.tsx:15)

react-router-dom Failed prop type: Invalid prop 'exact' of type 'string' Could you please help me with this issue. Tnx!

described example are located here in opensource prj


  • The issue was that for some unexplained reason I've passed attribute exact to a Link component.

    <Link exact to="/about">About the author</Link>

    So I removed exact attribute and warning is gone.

    <Link to="/about">About the author</Link>