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Writing a Path/Route Plot as a GeoTiff in R

I'm plotting some routes in R using the geom_path function. What I'm hoping to do is to turn the data I'm plotting into a GeoTiff (Which includes the GeoSpatial Components for Projection & Lat Long Corners) I can import into NASA WorldWind.

The artifacts I'm referencing are available here:

I made a very simple example to illustrate what I have, and what I'm trying to do:


wrld <- readOGR("data" , "ne_110m_admin_0_countries")
base <- ggplot(wrld, aes(x = long, y = lat))

myDataFrame <- data.frame(Name=c("Object1","Object1","Object1","Object2","Object2","Object2"), lat=c(34,30,25,65,32,16), long=c(-118,-120,-114,-63,-108,-110)) 

route <- c(geom_path(aes(long, lat, group = myDataFrame$Name), colour = "#ffff00", size = 2, data =
myDataFrame, alpha = 0.75,
lineend = "round"))

earth <- readTIFF("HYP_LR_SR_W.tif")

pathPlot <- base +  annotation_raster(earth, -180, 180, -90, 90) + route

Which produces this plot:

enter image description here

The next step I'd like to do is to output the resulting plot as a GeoTIFF (which I can import into WorldWind).

I think know the commands to create a GeoTIFF in the format I want once I have a stacked raster, but I can't figure out how to wire this together to get from the route to a GeoTIFF that only includes the image itself and that includes GeoSpatial Components:

ggsave(plot=pathPlot, "pathPlot.tiff", device = "tiff")
stackedRaster <- stack("pathPlot.tiff")
xRange <- ggplot_build(pathPlot)$layout$panel_params[[1]][c("x.range")] 
yRange <- ggplot_build(pathPlot)$layout$panel_params[[1]][c("y.range")]     
extent(stackedRaster) <- extent(xRange$x.range[1],xRange$x.range[2], yRange$y.range[1],yRange$y.range[2]) 
projection(stackedRaster) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84") 
writeRaster(stackedRaster, "myGeoTiff.tiff", options="PHOTOMETRIC=RGB", datatype="INT1U", overwrite=TRUE) 


  • I don't think that there is a straightforward way to coerce a ggplot object (i.e., ggproto) to a RasterStack object. I am not sure if the following solution would satisfy your requirement, but you may consider it as a workaround:

    1. Save the ggplot plot into a tiff image using ggsave
    2. Create a RasterStack object for the saved image using stack
    3. Save the RasterStack object as a GeoTiff image using writeRaster

    The implementation of the above steps is as follows:

    # This is your pathPlot
    pathPlot <- base +  annotation_raster(earth, -180, 180, -90, 90) + route
    # Remove the margins from the plot (i.e., keep the earth raster and the routes only)
    pathPlot <- pathPlot + 
            plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "null"),
            legend.position = 'none'
           ) +
           labs(x=NULL, y=NULL)
    # Save the plot
    ggsave(plot=pathPlot, "pathPlot.tiff", device = "tiff")
    # Create a StackedRaster object from the saved plot
    stackedRaster <- stack("pathPlot.tiff")
    # Get the GeoSpatial Components
    lat_long <- ggplot_build(pathPlot)$layout$panel_params[[1]][c("x.range","y.range")] 
    # Supply GeoSpatial  data to the StackedRaster 
    extent(stackedRaster) <- c(lat_long$x.range,lat_long$y.range)
    projection(stackedRaster) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
    # Create the GeoTiff
    writeRaster(stackedRaster, "myGeoTiff.tif", options="PHOTOMETRIC=RGB", datatype="INT1U")

    Here is the produced GeoTiff image:

    GeoTiff Hope it helps.