I have a custom navigation bar made with Bulma and I am using Nuxt.js for creating my application. The problem is that I want to have navbar fixed on top but only on some of my views. For example, I want to have navigation on my index page and all of the other pages connected to the index, but I don't want to have it on my log-in and registration pages.
In Bulma docs it says:
Add the corresponding
modifier to either<html>
element to provide the appropriate padding to the page
If I do that in my app.html file all of my views will have padding on top. Is there a way to overwrite has-navbar-fixed-top
property to unset it on views that don't need it? Or can I somehow only set it for the components/pages that should have it?
All you need to do is make an array full of your paths (pagesWithNavBar) and a computed method (shouldHaveNavBar) that returns true or false based on if the current path in url matches any item from our array (pagesWithNavBar) and finally add a check in the head method that checks if we currently are on the page with path included in our array!
.vue file - most likely your layout -> script tag
export default {
data() {
return {
pagesWithNavBar: [
"/login", "/signup" // add here all your paths where u wish to have your navbar
computed: {
shouldHaveNavBar() {
return this.pagesWithNavBar.includes(this.$route.path)
head() { // since nuxt.js uses vue-meta to update the document head and meta attributes
// you can also use it for your own good which means adding meta tags or editing
// the attributes of a body tag! you can learn more here
// https://nuxtjs.org/guide/views/#html-head
// or here
// https://github.com/declandewet/vue-meta#recognized-metainfo-properties
return {
bodyAttrs: {
class: this.shouldHaveNavBar ? "has-navbar-fixed-top" : ""