I'm trying to compare the words in "alice_list" to "dictionary_list", and if a word isnt found in the "dictionary_list" to print it and say it is probably misspelled. I'm having issues where its not printing anything if its not found, maybe you guys could help me out. I have the "alice_list" being appended to uppercase, as the "dictionary_list" is all in capitals. Any help with why its not working would be appreciated as I'm about to pull my hair out over it!
import re
# This function takes in a line of text and returns
# a list of words in the line.
def split_line(line):
return re.findall('[A-Za-z]+(?:\'[A-Za-z]+)?', line)
# --- Read in a file from disk and put it in an array.
dictionary_list = []
alice_list = []
misspelled_words = []
for line in open("dictionary.txt"):
line = line.strip()
for line in open("AliceInWonderLand200.txt"):
line = line.strip()
def searching(word, wordList):
first = 0
last = len(wordList) - 1
found = False
while first <= last and not found:
middle = (first + last)//2
if wordList[middle] == word:
found = True
if word < wordList[middle]:
last = middle - 1
first = middle + 1
return found
for word in alice_list:
searching(word, dictionary_list)
--------- EDITED CODE THAT WORKED ---------- Updated a few things if anyone has the same issue, and used "for word not in" to double check what was being outputted in the search.
"""-----Binary Search-----"""
# search for word, if the word is searched higher than list length, print
words = alice_list
for word in alice_list:
first = 0
last = len(dictionary_list) - 1
found = False
while first <= last and not found:
middle = (first + last) // 2
if dictionary_list[middle] == word:
found = True
if word < dictionary_list[middle]:
last = middle - 1
first = middle + 1
if word > dictionary_list[last]:
print("NEW:", word)
# checking to make sure words match
for word in alice_list:
if word not in dictionary_list:
Your function split_line()
returns a list. You then take the output of the function and append it to the dictionary list, which means each entry in the dictionary is a list of words rather than a single word. The quick fix it to use extend
instead of append
A set might be a better choice than a list here, then you wouldn't need the binary search.
To print words not in the list, just filter the list based on whether your function returns False
. Something like:
notfound = [word for word in alice_list if not searching(word, dictionary_list)]