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Python - spherical coordinates have Z axis bias

Long story short I need to get a bunch of balls moving in random directions in space. I am using a python script with VRED (3D rendering software) to display the balls on screen.

I am trying to use spherical coordinates but somehow the distribution of the balls in space is biased to the Z axis. I really cannot figure out where I got it wrong.

I am proceeding like this:

  1. I generate a random yaw starting direction (-180, 180) and a random starting pitch (0, 180)

  2. At each new frame I change the yaw and pitch by a small amount and move the ball in that new direction.

Here is my Python code (I hope it's not too hard to read; vrAEBase is a class related to VRED which allows the loop() to be updated each frame):

import random
import math

populationsize = 1000
balllist = []

#________________________________________BALL CLASS______________________________________________

class Ball(vrAEBase):

    def __init__(self):
        self.body = createSphere(2,100,1,1,1)  # create sphere
        self.isplaying = false 
        self.steplength = 20      #step length between each frame
        self.yaw = random.uniform(-180, 180)     #set starting yaw
        self.pitch = random.uniform(0, 180)      #set starting pitch
        self.maxsteering = 1 # max angular change for yaw/pitch for each frame
        self.x = 0  #startting X location
        self.y = 0  #startting Y location
        self.z = 0  #startting Z location

    def loop(self):          #loop is executed every frame
        if self.isplaying:

            self.yaw = self.yaw + random.uniform(-1*self.maxsteering, self.maxsteering)       #set new yaw
            self.pitch = self.pitch + random.uniform(-1*self.maxsteering, self.maxsteering)   #set new pitch

            localX = self.steplength * (math.sin(self.pitch)) * (math.cos(self.yaw))  #calculate X step length
            localY = self.steplength * (math.sin(self.pitch)) * (math.sin(self.yaw))  #calculate Y step length
            localZ = self.steplength * (math.cos(self.pitch))                         #calculate Z step length

            self.x += localX
            self.y += localY
            self.z += localZ
            setTransformNodeTranslation(self.body, self.x,self.y,self.z,true)

    def rewind(self):
        self.isplaying = false
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0
        self.z = 0
        setTransformNodeTranslation(self.body, self.x,self.y,self.z,true)


def play():
    global balllist
    for ball in balllist:
        if ball.isplaying == false:
            ball.isplaying = true
            ball.isplaying = false


def rewind():
    global balllist
    for ball in balllist:

#_______________________________SPAWN BALLS________________________________

for x in range(0, populationsize):
    newball =  Ball()         #create ball
    balllist.append(newball)   #add ball to list



Here is an image of the final distribution:

enter image description here


  • The problem is that in order to generate a uniform distribution of points around a sphere you cannot do phi = [0,pi] and theta=[-pi,pi] as this would lead to a surface elment dA= dphi*dtheta instead of the correct one dA= sin(phi)*dphi*dtheta.

    In order to achieve the correct volume elment change

    def __init__( self):
        self.yaw = random.uniform(-180, 180)     #set starting yaw
        self.pitch = random.uniform(0, 180)      #set starting pitch

    Non-uniform distribution around sphere


    def __init__( self):
        u = random.uniform(0,1)
        v = random.uniform(0,1)
        self.yaw = 2 * math.pi * u     #set starting yaw
        self.pitch = math.acos( 2*v -1)      #set starting pitch

    Uniform distribution around sphere

    For more documentation see

    Also be careful of the behavior of your timestep routine, as of now it seems that the dots will tend to collapse more toward this distribution. I don't know if this is your intended behavior

    enter image description here