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Ask alarmManager not to display alarm time and icon on screen and on top

I want to invoke some receiver exactly on time, hence i am using alarm clock to set this using the following code. Everything works except on my screen and on top of the screen i see alarm icon and time. Similar to what u see when u set alarm using alarm clock app in android. I dont want to see this. How can i go about it?

private static void updateNextAlarmInAlarmManager(Context context, long nextAlarmTime) {
        // Sets a surrogate alarm with alarm manager that provides the AlarmClockInfo for the
        // alarm that is going to fire next. The operation is constructed such that it is ignored
        // by AlarmStateManager.

        final AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(ALARM_SERVICE);

        final int flags = 0;
        final PendingIntent operation = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0 /* requestCode */,
                createIndicatorIntent(context), flags);

        final AlarmManager.AlarmClockInfo info = new AlarmManager.AlarmClockInfo(nextAlarmTime, getPendingIntentForApp(context, nextAlarmTime));
        alarmManager.setAlarmClock(info, operation);

Before moving setAlarmClock, i was using setExactAndAllowWhileIdle, but setExactAndAllowWhileIdle doesnot guarantee that it willl deliver event exactly on time. But it doesnot show the alarm icon on screen, which is what i want.


  • How can i go about it?

    Don't use setAlarmClock(). As the documentation states, "the system will typically also use the information supplied here to tell the user about this upcoming alarm if appropriate".