right now i am using microsoft sql server for my database in my dev app. in future if i want to migrate my database in google spanner what guidelines should i follow from right now so then migration should be easy in feature. also does google provide any migration tools like Microsoft® Data Migration Assistant.
gcloud spanner instances create INSTANCE --config=CONFIG
--description=DESCRIPTION --nodes=NODES [--async] [GLOBAL-FLAG ...]
does spanner has any local emulator so i can install it in my local machine and test it before
gcloud spanner instances create --help
Cloud spanner is Google's horizontally scalable relational database. It is quite expensive(running it in minimal configuration with 3 nodes would cost you at least 100$ daily). Unless you really need the horizontal scalability you should use Cloud SQL.
Cloud SQL is a managed MySQL or PostgreSQL service by Google. You can migrate your data to Cloud SQL easily as this is a common use case. How you do it depends on your choice. For example check this question for exporting it to MySql. You can check this link to convert to PostgreSQL.
Check the Google's decision tree if you are unfamiliar with the details of Google's storage options: