I can't find on the internet how to use the functor I've written. I will post a minimal code, if you need more contextual information tell me and I'll add, but I'm sure it's really easy to do.
I think I just don't understand what a functor is, I see things like this (I will use an analogy with Java to ilustrate my understanding since I'm new to OCaml) :
The following example I'm about to give is stupid, it's just so I can understand the concept behind it :
module type tF = sig
type 'a t
val create : 'a t
module F : tF = struct
type 'a t = 'a list
let create = []
module type tF2 = functor(F : tF) -> sig
val foo : 'a F.t -> 'a F.t
module F2 : tF2 = functor(F : tF) -> struct
let foo f = f
I know I can do for example :
let test = F.create
But I don't know how to use F2.
I've tried this page but it's not using my notation and I was more confused after than before.
takes in a module with type tF
and produces a module with one function foo
module NewF = F2 (F)
For more information, see the section about functors in Real World OCaml.