We are building an AbleCommerce 7 web store and trying to integrate it with an existing point-of-sale system. The product inventory will be shared between a phyical store and a web store so we will need to periodically update quantity on hand for each product to keep the POS and the web store as close to in synch as possible to avoid over selling product in either location. The POS system does have an scheduled export that will run every hour.
My question is, has anyone had any experience with synchronizing data with an Able Commerce 7 web store and would you have any advice on an approach?
Here are the approaches that we are currently considering:
Thanks, Brian
We've set this up between AbleCommerce and an MAS system. We entered the products into the AbleCommerce system and then created a process to push the inventory, price, and cost information from the MAS system into the ProductVariants table.
The one issue we ran into is that no records exist in the ProductVariants table until you make a change to the variants data. So, we had to write a Stored Procedure to automatically populate the ProductVariants table so that we could do the sync.