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How to make footer component constant through out the whole site in AEM?

The site structure is as like this in my aem project.

For the footer component i am using following code :-

<div class="ftrsection" data-sly-repeat="${currentPage.listChildren}">
                <h3 data-sly-test.child="${item.title}" >${child}</h3>      
                <ul class="footermenu">
                    <li data-sly-repeat.subpage="${item.listChildren}">
                        <a href="${subpage.path}.html" title="${subpage.title}" class="">${subpage.title}</a> 


When i am in the home page it takes it as current page in the first line of the code and displays the site hierarchy in the footer perfectly as this

But when i am in a inner page( here explore page) it takes it as currectPage and displays the footer as this which i dont want . i want it to be constant through out the whole site. How to make it constant?


  • It is solved. Had to create a helper class to find the correct root.


    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import com.adobe.cq.sightly.WCMUsePojo;
    public class Footer extends WCMUsePojo{
        private List<Page> items = new ArrayList<Page>();
        private Page rootPage;
        // Initializes the navigation
        public void activate() throws Exception {
            rootPage = getCurrentPage().getAbsoluteParent(2);
            if (rootPage == null) {
            	rootPage = getCurrentPage();
            Iterator<Page> childPages = rootPage.listChildren(new PageFilter(getRequest()));
    	   	while (childPages.hasNext()) {
        // Returns the navigation items
        public List<Page> getItems() {
            return items;
        // Returns the navigation root
        public Page getRoot() {
            return rootPage;

    Then had to access the class in the footer's htl like:

    <div  class="ftrsection" data-sly-use.footer="" data-sly-repeat="${footer.root.listChildren}">
                    <h3 data-sly-test.child="${item.title}" >${child}</h3>      
                    <ul class="footermenu">
                        <li data-sly-repeat.subpage="${item.listChildren}">
                            <a href="${subpage.path}.html" title="${subpage.title}" class="">${subpage.title}</a> 

    And it worked. Hope it helps. :)