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Ngrx advantages over Observable Data Services architecture?

Both observable data service and Ngrx store provides a Store based solution for angular applications.

Ngrx uses the flux design pattern and requires a 3rd party library, in contrast of Observable data services which can be implemented with built in features of angular and rxjs and is in a way i guess is an angular design pattern by it self.

information regarding Observable Data Service architecture can be found here

I have read his article : Redux, RxJs and Ngrx Store - When to Use a Store And Why? to really understand what are the main problems that store based solution aim to solve , and the way i see it they both solve these main problems :

  • solves the Facebook counter problem which happened because of multiple actors changing the same data concurrently
  • the "extraneous props issue" when moving an input way down/up the component tree when only the bottom/top one really needs it (useless to all the components in the way - breaking SRP)

i see a cost when using Ngrx - the bundle size is bigger , plenty boiler plate code - for a simple feature need to change multiple files and impl an action , a reducer, if using ngrx side effects then also a loader action and error action.. the learning curve of understanding the concept and the way flux works is bigger then observable data services i guess..

one advantage however is the awesome dev tools it provides.

So the question is as the title states : Ngrx advantages over Observable Data Services architecture ?

a simple Todos observable data service store example :

    export class TodoStore {

    private _todos: BehaviorSubject<List<Todo>> = new BehaviorSubject(List([]));

    constructor(private todoBackendService: TodoBackendService) {

    get todos() {
        return asObservable(this._todos);

    loadInitialData() {
                res => {
                    let todos = (<Object[]>res.json()).map((todo: any) =>
                        new Todo({, description:todo.description,completed: todo.completed}));

                err => console.log("Error retrieving Todos")


    addTodo(newTodo:Todo):Observable {

        let obs = this.todoBackendService.saveTodo(newTodo);

                res => {

        return obs;

    toggleTodo(toggled:Todo): Observable {
        let obs: Observable = this.todoBackendService.toggleTodo(toggled);

            res => {
                let todos = this._todos.getValue();
                let index = todos.findIndex((todo: Todo) => ===;
                let todo:Todo = todos.get(index);
      , new Todo({, description:toggled.description, completed:!toggled.completed}) ));

        return obs;

    deleteTodo(deleted:Todo): Observable {
        let obs: Observable = this.todoBackendService.deleteTodo(deleted);

                res => {
                    let todos: List<Todo> = this._todos.getValue();
                    let index = todos.findIndex((todo) => ===;


        return obs;



  • At a glance differences:

    • One single store for all state. Your example looks like you'd have one per kind of data: todo, events, contacts, etc. If you only have one kind of data then NgRx may be overkill.

    • Time travel debugging. Love this feature!

    You could google benefits of ngrx and see additional responses.