I have the following on my code:
launch :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe Text)
launch = do
line <- launchLine
return $ lineToText <$> line
launchLine :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe Line)
launchLine = fold (inproc "juke" ["launch", "--profile", "jukeplay", pack baseImage] mempty) $
Fold selectLaunchName Nothing id
The lines above work fine. My problem (and question) is that I want to execute another command before this launch line, so it could be something like:
launch :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe Text)
launch = do
line <- launchLine
return $ lineToText <$> line
launchLine :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe Line)
launchLine = fold (inproc "juke" ["image", "copy", "jukebox:" <> pack baseImage, "local:", "--copy-aliases"] mempty) $
Fold selectLaunchName Nothing id
launchLine :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe Line)
launchLine = fold (inproc "juke" ["launch", "--profile", "jukeplay", pack baseImage] mempty) $
Fold selectLaunchName Nothing id
This obviously does not work. How could I accomplish this?
I need to have this "juke image copy" done before the "juke launch.." is executed
Thanks in advance for the help
You can combine monadic actions with (>>)
(>>) :: Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
Or with do
syntax, which desugars to (>>)
\act1 act2 -> do {act1; act2} :: Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
For example:
launch :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe Text)
launch = do
line <- launchLine
return $ lineToText <$> line
preLaunchLine :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe Line)
preLaunchLine = fold (inproc "juke" ["image", "copy", "jukebox:" <> pack baseImage, "local:", "--copy-aliases"] mempty) $
Fold selectLaunchName Nothing id
launchLine :: MonadIO m => m (Maybe Line)
launchLine = fold (inproc "juke" ["launch", "--profile", "jukeplay", pack baseImage] mempty) $
Fold selectLaunchName Nothing id