I have a data frame where an athlete receives a performance rating of "Good", "Fair" and "Poor".
I would like to write a function that does the following:
Produces a new data frame that contains The name of the athlete The percentage of times the athlete received a "Good" rating
Player <- c("Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan", "Jordan",
"Jordan","Jordan","Jordan", "Barkley", "Barkley", "Barkley", "Barkley",
"Barkley", "Olajuwon", "Olajuwon", "Olajuwon", "Olajuwon", "Olajuwon",
"Kemp", "Kemp", "Kemp", "Kemp", "Kemp", "Kemp")
Rating <- c("Good", "Fair", "Good", "Good", "Good", "Poor", "Good", "Good",
"Good", "Fair", "Fair", "Poor", "Good", "Good", "Good", "Fair", "Good",
"Fair", "Good", "Good", "Good", "Good", "Good", "Good", "Poor")
df <- data.frame(Player, Rating)
I would want output that is:
Player PercentGood
Jordan 77.8%
Barkley 40.0%
Olajuwon 60.0%
Kemp 83.3%
When I receive the file the percent is not included so I want to run this each time an updated file is sent to me.
So the file is sent, I apply code and a new data frame is produced that gives me a summary of the percentage that an athlete received a rating of "Good"
Thank you.
Here's a tidyverse
solution using scales::percent
to format for percentage.
It first makes a new variable good
or not encoded as 1 or 0. Then the percentage of 1s is calculated for each player.
df %>% mutate(good = ifelse(Rating == "Good", 1, 0)) %>%
group_by(Player = fct_inorder(Player)) %>%
summarise(PercentGood = percent(mean(good)))
# A tibble: 4 x 2
# Player PercentGood
# <fct> <chr>
#1 Jordan 77.8%
#2 Barkley 40.0%
#3 Olajuwon 60.0%
#4 Kemp 83.3%