So we should all know that when using images in HTML it is good practice to provide alternative text... recently I have been looking at WebP... a new image format and the advantage is smaller file size, maintain quality and quicker websites.
However when I began looking into best practice for accessibility I couldn't find anything... no advice, no top tips on creating alternative text for screen readers for WebP images.
My code to serve alt text looks like this currently...
{% set optimizedImages = %}
{% set imageTitle = item.itemTitle %}
{% set imageClass = "br-100 h4 dib pa2" %}
{% if craft.imageOptimize.serverSupportsWebP() %}
<source srcset="{{ optimizedImages.srcsetWebP() }}"
class="{{ imageClass }}"
title="{{ item.itemTitle }}"
alt="{{ item.itemTitle }}" />
{% endif %}
<img src="{{ optimizedImages.src() }}"
srcset="{{ optimizedImages.srcset() }}"
class="{{ imageClass }}"
title="{{ item.itemTitle }}"
alt="{{ item.itemTitle }}" />
The source
element does not have an alt
attribute, unlike the img
element, where you have correctly added that attribute.
On the source
element, you could try adding the aria-label