I have looked for a while to find an algorithm which converts integers to string. My requirement is to do this manually as I am using my own large number type. I have + - * /(with remainder)
defined, but need to find a way to print a single number from a double int (high and low, if int is 64bits, 128bits total).
I have seen some answers such as
Convert integer to string without access to libraries
Converting a big integer to decimal string
but was wondering if a faster algorithm was possible. I am open to working with bits directly(e.g. base2 to base10-string - I could not find such an algorithm however), but I was just hoping to avoid repeated division by 10 for numbers possibly as large as 2^128.
You can use divide-and-conquer in such a way that the parts can be converted to string using your standard library (which will typically be quite efficient at that job).
So instead of dividing by 10 in every iteration, you can e.g. divide by 10**15, and have your library convert the chunks to 15-digit strings. After at most three steps, you're finished.
Of course you have to do some string manipulation regarding the zero-padding. But maybe your library can help you here as well, if you use something like a %015d
zero-padding format for all the lower parts, and for the highest non-zero part use a non-padding %d