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Literal suffix for byte in .NET?

I am wondering if there is any way to declare a byte variable in a short way like floats or doubles? I mean like 5f and 5d. Sure I could write byte x = 5, but that's a bit inconsistent if you use var for local variables.


  • There is no mention of a literal suffix on the MSDN reference for Byte as well as in the C# 4.0 Language Specification. The only literal suffixes in C# are for integer and real numbers as follows:

    u = uint
    l = long
    ul = ulong
    f = float
    m = decimal
    d = double

    If you want to use var, you can always cast the byte as in var y = (byte) 5

    Although not really related, in C#7, a new binary prefix was introduced 0b, which states the number is in binary format. Still there is no suffix to make it a byte though, example:

    var b = 0b1010_1011_1100_1101_1110_1111; //int