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Why contructing a MATLAB struct object with an empty cell it creates an empty struct instead?

I want to construct an struct object with three properties:

arg1 = 42;
arg2 = 'test';
arg3 = cell(0);

But if I try to initialize that object:

struct('arg1', arg1, 'arg2', arg2, 'arg3', arg3);

It returns an empty struct:

ans = 

  0×0 empty struct array with fields:


I figured out the empty cell is the culprit, so if i initialize it without the empty cell it returns a correct value:

ans = 

  struct with fields:

    arg1: 42
    arg2: 'test'
    arg3: []

But I need my code to work with empty cells, and I don't know if or where they will be in one of the fields.

Is there a way to get out of this problem?


  • This is documented behaviour:

    s = struct(field,value) creates a structure array with the specified field and values. The value input argument can be any data type, such as a numeric, logical, character, or cell array.

    • If any of the value inputs is a nonscalar cell array, then s has the same dimensions as the nonscalar cell array. [...]

    • If value is an empty cell array {}, then s is an empty (0-by-0) structure. To specify an empty field and keep the values of the other fields, use [] as a value input instead

    The take-away for you is the last line.

    To get around this, you will have to do checks like

    if iscell( argX ) && isempty( argX )
        argX = [];

    If you always just have 3 items in your struct then this is fairly simple to implement.