I have done aggregation query on student table with activity table which gives the desired fields except one field i.e "ActivityForMediumSize". This field comes empty.
The code is
$query = ["is_temp_deleted"=>0, "funRun" => "Yes"];
$pipeline = array(
'$match' => $query
'$lookup' => array(
'from' => 'studentTbl',
'localField' => '_id',
'foreignField' => 'activity_details.activityId',
'as' => 'studentsOfActivities'
['$lookup'=> [
'from'=> 'studentTbl',
'localField' => 'academic_year_Id',
'foreignField' => 'studentsOfActivities.academic_year_Id',
'as'=> 'Students'
['$project' => [
'_id' => 1.0,
'activityName' => 1.0,
'activityTime' => 1.0,
'activityDate' => 1.0,
'funRun' => 1.0,
'Students' => 1.0,
'studentsOfActivities' => 1.0,
'studentsOfWeekgroup' => [
'$filter' => [
'input' => '$Students',
'as' => 'item',
'cond' => [
'$eq' => ['$$item.academic_year_Id', new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID($this->id)],
'ActivityForMediumSize' => [
'$filter' => [
'input' => '$studentsOfActivities',
'as' => 'item',
'cond' => [
'$eq' =>['$$item.activity_details.-1.shirtSize', 'M'],
// 'MediumCount'=>['$size'=>'$countForMedium']
$cursor = $this->db->activitiesTbl->aggregate($pipeline)->toArray();
I have checked in console that data in "studentsOfActivities" appears like
0 =>
"_id": ObjectId("5bf518378d03ec0b2400536f"),
"ssn_Last_four": "0001",
"first_name": "Thomas",
"activity_details": [
"studentId": ObjectId("5bf518378d03ec0b2400536f"),
"funrun": "Yes",
"weekgroupId": ObjectId("5bf50bd48d03ec0b2400536d"),
"activityId": ObjectId("5c10a0e08d03ec1834001c6d"),
"attending": "Yes",
"id": ObjectId("5c10e5ae3250041188005dde")
"studentId": ObjectId("5bf518378d03ec0b2400536f"),
"funrun": "Yes",
"weekgroupId": ObjectId("5bf50bd48d03ec0b2400536d"),
"activityId": ObjectId("5c10a0e08d03ec1834001c6d"),
"attending": "Yes",
"shirtSize": "L",
"id": ObjectId("5c13338032500409f4007cf3")
"_id": ObjectId("5bf518378d03ec0b2400536e"),
The embedded document "activity_details" contains student's all the activities and the last element of it is considered active one i.e why I have used -1 in the above code.
Now in projection "ActivityForMediumSize" I am trying find those students who have selected shirtSize: "M". The filter on projection "ActivityForMediumSize" is not working. Please help !!!
Note that there are some students where the last activity inside "activity_details" which does not contain "shirtSize" field.
I guess "is not working" means you have an empty array. It's because you cannot refer to the last element of an array just by "-1". Instead you need to use array operators to get the last element. For example it can be a combination of arrayElemAt and slice so the filter condition can look like :
$eq: [
{ $let: {
vars: {
last: { $arrayElemAt: [
{ $slice: [ '$$item. activity_details', -1 ] },
] }
in: '$$last.shirtSize'
} },
It's in js syntax but it should be trivial to translate to php.