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Angular 6 http + Observable + Subject across multiple components

I'm trying to share data that a my service providers retrieves via a HTTP GET. I get data in my http.service:

export class HttpService {

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }

  public getData4(url: string): Observable<Premium[]> {
    return this.http.get<Premium[]>(url);

The routing of app is:


In tabs.component.ts I have:

 export class TabsComponent implements OnInit {

  myUrl4All = 'http://localhost:8083/RCCT-2.0-SNAPSHOT/rest/v2';
  premiumsO: Premium[] = [];

  constructor(private httpService: HttpService, private entity1Service: Entity1Service) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.httpService.getData4(this.myUrl4All).subscribe(data => this.premiumsO = 

In my tabs.component.html I have:


And my tables.component.ts:

export class TablesComponent implements OnInit  {

  constructor() { }

  returnedArray: Premium[] = [];

  ngOnInit(): void {

    this.returnedArray = ?????????


And my question is: now I have one http.service with an observable, but I want to catch and display data from http in my tables.component by using subscribe. How I should change my code to do that ?


  • One simple and quick way is for you to user @Input (remember to import this from @angular/core) on your child component like this:

    export class TablesComponent implements OnInit  {
      constructor() { }
      returnedArray: Premium[] = [];
      ngOnInit(): void { }

    and then on your parent template.html pass the parents data like this:

        <app-tables-component [returnedArray]="premiumsO"></app-tables-component>

    EDIT: As per comments below

    Add your Array into your service, make it an observable and subscribe to it. Like:

    export class HttpService {
      premiumsO: BehaviorSubject<Premium[]> = new BehaviorSubject<Premium[]>();
      constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }
      public getData4(url: string): void {
        this.http.get<Premium[]>(url).subscribe(data => {

    And then in both your parent and child controllers, subscribe to premiumsO like:

    export class TablesComponent implements OnInit  {
      constructor(private httpService: HttpService) { }
      private subscription: Subscription;
      returnedArray: Premium[] = [];
      ngOnInit(): void {
           this.subscription = this.httpService.premiumsO.subscribe(data => this.returnedArray =  data);
        ngOnDestroy() {

    Do the same thing in your parent. Not sure if this is the right solution but I'd do it like this.