I'm trying to take two protocols that both have the same associated type and return the same type, but not having luck.
protocol MyProtocol {
associatedtype AssociatedType
func myFunc<T: MyProtocol, R: MyProtocol>(arg: T) -> R
where T.AssociatedType == R.AssociatedType {
return arg //Error-> Cannot convert return expression of type 'T' to return type 'R'
Is something like this possible in Swift?
Two types (call them T
and R
) are not the necessarily the equivalent just because they conform to the same protocol and use the same associated type.
By that reasoning, Array<Int>
is the same as Set<Int>
, and should be freely interchangeable, because they both conform to Collection
where the Element
is Int
Here's another counter example:
protocol MyProtocol {
associatedtype AssociatedType
protocol MySubProtocol1: MyProtocol where AssociatedType == Int {}
protocol MySubProtocol2: MyProtocol where AssociatedType == Int {}
struct S1: MySubProtocol1 {}
struct S2: MySubProtocol2 {}
func myFunc<T: MyProtocol, R: MyProtocol>(arg: T) -> R
where T.AssociatedType == R.AssociatedType {
return arg as! R // Let's see what would happen. Don't do this!
func produce<T: MySubProtocol1>(type: T.Type) -> T {
return T()
func consume<T: MySubProtocol2>(arg: T, ofType: T.Type) {
consume(arg: myFunc(arg: produce(type: S1.self)), ofType: S2.self)
Terminated due to signal:
Could not cast value of type
) to'main.S2'