I have a problem, I am automating with cucumber, and I want create reports with all items after that the test run. In this moment, I have reports that dont give me information of failure or success test, only I can show the scenarios.This is the report:
and this is my code with de Cucumber configurartions, but I haven't found a plugin with all information.
@CucumberOptions(plugin = {"usage", "html:target/cucumber"},
features = {"./src/test/resources/com/proteccion/advance/viabilidad"},
glue = {"com.proteccion.advance.viabilidad.steps"},
format = {"json:target/cucumber.json"} )
public class RunCucumber{}
I would Like something like this
If you can give me multiple reports' types I would greatly appreciate help
Thanks :)
Julian! I am not sure if it is can help but I was using Allure report for cucumber quite successful, so my suggestion is to try Allure report