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How can I replace RegionManager instances on Marionette 3

I am currently upgrading a project from Marionette v2 to v3 but it seems all of the functionality of the region manager was added into the View class.

My project has several instances of

  regions: {

I was wondering if there is a way of directly converting v2 code like this into v3 code.


  • I found that the region manager can be replaced by a view, acting as the root for all other views. It is sufficient to add it to the application as stated in the Application documentation

    var Mn = require('backbone.marionette');
    var RootView = require('./views/root');
    var App = Mn.Application.extend({
      region: '#root-element',
      onStart: function() {
        this.showView(new RootView()); // Which is your old region manager
    var myApp = new App();