I have a Step Function pipeline which links several Lambda's. The Step Function is started using a AWS API Gateway. All aforementioned items are in the same region. However, based on the clients IP origin, I would like to use one lambda of the step function in a different region. I did some research but it seems there is no way of invoking a lambda in a different region as compared to the step function region.
So basically this would mean that I would have to make different API Gateway entrypoints and different Step Function pipelines, different Lambdas for every region I would like to employ to right? Are there some consequences for the S3 storage I use?
If Step Functions don't support cross-region Lambda's (and it appears they don't) my idea would be to use a 'proxy-lambda' in the same region as the Step Function and within the proxy-lambda invoke the cross-region lambda. It's not ideal, you will have to handle pass-through and you will pay twice for the duration of the lambda (1x proxy 1x actual lambda) but it seems a lot easier than having all the elements in all regions.