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Filling the ID column of a table NOT using a cursor

Tables have been created and used without and ID column, but ID column is now needed. (classic)

I heard everything could be done without cursors. I just need every row to contain a different int value so I was looking for some kind of row number function :

How do I use ROW_NUMBER()?

I can't tell exactly how to use it even with these exemples.

SET [id] = (select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by id) from [TableA])

Subquery returned more than 1 value.

So... yes of course it return more than one value. Then how to mix both update and row number to get that column filled ?

PS. I don't need a precise order, just unique values. I also wonder if ROW_NUMBER() is appropriate in this situation...


  • You can use a CTE for the update


    Declare @TableA table (ID int,SomeCol varchar(50))
    Insert Into @TableA values
    ;with cte as ( 
          Select *
                ,RN = Row_Number() over(Order by (Select null))
          From  @TableA
    Update cte set ID=RN
    Select * from @TableA

    Updated Table

    ID  SomeCol
    1   Dog
    2   Cat
    3   Monkey