I've created an application that uses automapper, everything seems to be configured and working correctly in browse mode, however after I update a record I then get the following mapping error:
AutoMapper.AutoMapperMappingException was unhandled by user code
Message=Missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping.
Mapping types:
Organisation -> ViewModelOrganisation
I've registered auttomapper in application start:
protected void Application_Start()
Then done the mapping in Automapperconfig:
public class AutoMapperConfig
public static void Initialize()
Mapper.Initialize(cfg =>
cfg.CreateMap<Organisation, ViewModelOrganisation>().ReverseMap();
cfg.CreateMap<Article, ViewModelArticle>().ReverseMap();
cfg.CreateMap<Organisation, ViewModelAdminOrg>().ReverseMap();
cfg.CreateMap<Branch, ViewModelBranch>().ReverseMap();
This hits OK when the application starts and I can browse the site. The problem occurs when I save a record (update). The information saves, however when I go back to another page to browse the site I get mapping errors.
Im mapping in the controller like so:
public ActionResult Detail(int id)
Organisation org = new Organisation();
ViewModelOrganisation vm = new ViewModelOrganisation();
org = _orgService.getOrganisationByOrgID(id);
vm = Mapper.Map(org, vm);
return View(vm);
The error occurs on the line: vm = Mapper.Map(org, vm). It also occurs on other pages that use the mapper. But only after I have updated a record in my admin panel.
Prior to initializing the mapper in global.asa i was doing this in the controller itself. I had failed to remove the line(below), from the controller, where the article record was being edited:
Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap<Article, ViewModelArticle>());
This must have invalidated the mapping created on start up and hence my error when I went to browse the rest of the site.
Lesson learned...Ensure to only initialise the mapper once!