Interesting how difficult this answer is to find.
I've been using Dagger - Android for a while now and have my entire dependency graph set up. I'm using scopes, qualifiers, all that good stuff. I'm not a Dagger newbie anymore, but suffice to say I've been using it in a pretty standard way in my Android setup and everything has been going great.
For the first time, I'm realizing that I'd like to request new instances of a certain class in my graph myself, manually, and I want it to be a new instance every time.
What's the best way to go about doing that? I'm wondering if there's a way to leverage a non-@Singleton/non-scoped provider and call some sort of create()
method myself, or if it's best to create a factory myself and make that factory a singleton/scoped instance and use my factory to get the new instance(s) when I need them? [I should mention this class will definitely not have an empty constructor so will need injected instances of other classes defined in my injection graph.]
(Also, it would probably help the most if answers were in the context of Android; i.e. I'm in, say, a ViewModel and need a new instance of some class defined in one of my Modules.)
Dagger will provide you a new instance as long as you don't scope the dependency.
To get a new instance of a dependency manually, you can inject Provider
of it instead and use its get()
method, it'll give you a new instance every time you call it.
Module part doesn't really change:
class AppModule {
fun provideSomeObject(): SomeObject = SomeObject()
And in your class
class SomeClass {
// We don't inject the object anymore
// @Inject lateinit var myObject : SomeObject
// We'll inject it's provider
@Inject lateinit var myObject : Provider<SomeObject>
fun someMethod(){
// Here, instance1 and instance2 are NOT same objects
val instance1 = myObject.get()
val instance2 = myObject.get()
You can read more here.