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Microservices with Spring boot, Message queue, Node.js and Angular

So hey guys!

I just got a complex exercise and I really don't now where to begin, I was hoping someone would point me in the right direction! :)

Exercise description here (cant embed images yet)

If anyone could point me to relevant guides or where to start from that would be awesome!

I have worked with Angular and Node/Spring API's but nothing to this extent so all help would be appreciated!


  • Even if there is no specific order, I would go like that:

    1. Create a Spring boot project for Voting Micro-service
    2. Define layers for Voting (REST, Service, Model)
    3. Create a Spring boot project for Worker Micro-service
    4. Define MQ communication, from Voting to Worker, with RabbitMQ. Look at this
    5. Define a PostgreSQL Database for DB
    6. Define layers from Worker to DB (Client, Service, Model, Data), using JPA & Hibernate to write in the database
    7. Define a simple Frontend with Angular
    8. Define the communication with Voting
    9. Create Results with Node.JS
    10. Read from database with Results

    Each of these steps needs rigourous tests. Good luck.