I'm fighting with a strange situation: same code works different in two different projects. The one project is just empty command line utility with this code. The second project is with linked gdata-objectivec-client library.
Here is the code:
static NSString * const dateFormat = @"MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss Z";
NSString *tmp_string = @"03/08/2011 10:07:36 +0300";
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease] ;
[dateFormatter setLocale:[[[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en_US_POSIX"] autorelease]];
[dateFormatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat: dateFormat ];
NSDate *newDate = [dateFormatter dateFromString: tmp_string];
NSLog(@"dateFromThatString: %@", newDate);
In just command line utility the result is same
"03/08/2011 10:07:36 +0300"
But in the project with gdata-objectivec-client linked to it, the result is changed to
"03/08/2011 07:07:36 +0000"
I cant find what's the problem, any suggestions?
Reading about this subject i've learned that "NSDate is not aware of time zones, it always stores dates in a time zone independent manner (as a span of time since a specific reference date)", so those two NSDate objects representing two different strings in two different projects are the same, there is just some problem in difference between description of NSDate objects, so.. it's not a big problem for future work, because i needed these description only for an easy debug. I will just not use description method, but [NSFormatted stringFromDate:].
It's interesting how gdata-objectivec-client influenced on a project, that description of nsdate obj returns same time, but responding to +0000 gmt offset.
But it's only for discussion.