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django admin list_display with count annotation

I'd like to add "annotation count" field into list_display in Django Admin.

class Log(models.Model):
    ip_address = models.GenericIPAddressField(
        verbose_name=_('IP address'),

class LogAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = (..., 'ip_address', 'ip_address_count', ...)

    def ip_address_count(self, instance):
        return models.Log.objects \
            .filter(ip_address=instance.ip_address) \

    ip_address_count.short_description = _('IP Address Count')

It works fine with "LOTS OF" SQL queries.

I'd like to improve my like this:

class Log(models.Model):

    def get_queryset(self, request):
        qs = super(LogAdmin, self).get_queryset(request)
        qs = qs.values('ip_address') \
        return qs

    def ip_address_count(self, instance):
        return instance.ip_address_count

However, I encountered the error messages:

'dict' object has no attribute '_meta'

It seems that I found the reason why the error occurs:

Django Admin, can't groupe by: Exception Value: 'dict' object has no attribute '_meta'

However, it does not help me to solve the problem.

Thank you for your answers.

Edit: It works wrong if I don't append .values('ip_address).

It does not group by ip_address. It group by all the fields group by field1, field2, ip_address, ... Therefore, it results in "1" all the cases.


  • That is because the moment you apply values to the queryset, it returns a list of dictionary, whereas the admin is expecting a queryset of objects.

    I have been in this situation before, so I did something like this:

    def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None):
        response = super().changelist_view(request, extra_context)
            # this is the final queryset to be rendered on the page after pagination.
            _cl = response.context_data['cl']
            qs = _cl.result_list._clone()
            # since in my case mysql 5.5 does'nt support subquery with LIMIT
            # fetch all the ips on that page
            ips = list(set([obj.ip_address for obj in qs]))
            result_qs = models.Log.objects.values('ip_address') \
                    .filter(ip_address__in=ips) \
            result = {_r['ip_address']: _r['ip_address_count'] for _r in result_qs}
            setattr(self, '_ip_addr_count', result)
        return response
    def ip_address_count(self, instance):
        # fetch the count from the dict we set above
        return self._ip_addr_count.get(instance.ip_address)

    Hence you see what I did is, fetch the ips from the final queryset and then using that to query the count. By doing this you will query the database only once per page.

    I hope you get the basic underlying idea.Please suit it according to your need.