I am trying to create a function in python where a player starts with a certain amount and then given a certain stake and number of flips it will give the ending amount after the flips
I am a beginner at python and am still getting used to using loops
so what i have is:
import random
def coin(stake, bank, flips):
for i in range(0,flips):
H_T = random.randint(0,1) # heads =1 or tails=0
if H_T ==1:
k = stake
k = -1*stake
bank = bank + k
I want the function to run so that if for example, there is a win the bank will go up and this will be the new bank then another win or loss will add or subtract from the new bank
i know my loop is wrong but not sure how to fix it
Depending on how you are calling the function, and where you are printing out the result of the coin()
function, you may only need to add a return bank
def coin(stake, bank, flips):
for i in range(0,flips):
H_T = random.randint(0,1) # heads =1 or tails=0
bank = bank + k
return bank
sample run:
>>> print(coin(5, 100, 2))