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Python MergeSort

I am trying to implement a Python merge sort, But I am failing in some points. the pseudo code I have is accurate but looks like it was built for a different language.

The pseudo requires the following
/declare array temp of size of input array a

I am not sure how this is possible in Python. Anyway, the code is below. The whole idea is that I need to sort the array/list and return the sorted one.

As of now, it's failing with the following message. I would say that this is because of the new temp array/list, but I am not sure

Traceback (most recent call last):  
  File "./mergesort", line 56, in <module>  
  File "./mergesort", line 52, in main  
  File "./mergesort", line 4, in mergesortbase  
    mergesort(num, 0, len(num)-1)  
  File "./mergesort", line 10, in mergesort  
    mergesort(num, low, mid)  
  File "./mergesort", line 10, in mergesort  
    mergesort(num, low, mid)  
  File "./mergesort", line 12, in mergesort  
    merge(num, low, mid, mid+1, high)  
  File "./mergesort", line 27, in merge  
    temp[k] = a[j]  
IndexError: list assignment index out of range  

Note: a total revamp of the code is not helping, as I will need to use that exact pseudo code.


def mergesortbase(num):
    mergesort(num, 0, len(num)-1)

def mergesort(num, low, high):
    if low < high:
      mid = (low + high) // 2
      mergesort(num, low, mid)
      mergesort(num, mid+1, high)
      merge(num, low, mid, mid+1, high)

def merge(a, l1, u1, l2, u2):
# declare array temp of size of input array a
# Comment -- Not doable in Python to create array/list with specific size
    temp = []
    i = l1
    j = l2
    k = l1

    while (i <= u1 and j <= u2):
      if (a[i] <= a[j]):
         temp[k] = a[i]
         i = i + 1
         temp[k] = a[j]
         j = j + 1

      k = k + 1

    while ( i <= u2 ):
       temp[k] = a[i]
       k = k + 1
       i = i + 1

    while ( j <= u2 ):
       temp[k] = a[j]
       k = k + 1
       i = i + 1

    h = l1

    while ( h <= u2 ):
       a[h] = temp[h]
       h = h + 1

def main():
   array = [8, 5, 7, 1, 9, 3]

if __name__ == "__main__":


  • Three errors in your code

    1. temp is not initialized to any size so k always give list assignment index out of range

    2. Second while loop for adding the remaining elements l1 to u1 needs to run only till u1 not u2:

    3. Third while loop for adding the remaining elements from l2 to u2 need to increment j rather than i.

      def merge(a, l1, u1, l2, u2):
          temp = [0]*len(a)
          i = l1
          j = l2
          k = l1
          while (i <= u1 and j <= u2):
              if (a[i] <= a[j]):
                  temp[k] = a[i]
                  i = i + 1
                  temp[k] = a[j]
                  j = j + 1
              k = k + 1
          while ( i <= u1 ):
              temp[k] = a[i]
              k = k + 1
              i = i + 1
          while ( j <= u2 ):
              temp[k] = a[j]
              k = k + 1
              j = j + 1
          h = l1
          while ( h <= u2 ):  
              a[h] = temp[h]
              h = h + 1