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Is there a static hangfire context getter, similar to HttpContext.Current

I have an existing api that stores data per-thread and is retrieved using HttpContext.Current.

I'm trying to refactor this class to be called from a hangfire job -- I want to know if there is an equivalent static method for retrieving the hangfire execution context.

If not, I would also like to know if there is a 1:1 relationship between hangfire jobs and threads. I couldn't find any documentation about the lifetime of a hangfire job -- ie threadstart -> job start -> job end -> thread dispose, or if 1 thread could process multiple jobs simultaneously, ie threadstart -> job1 start, job2 start, job3 start, job1 end, job4 start,job2 end, job1 end, job3 end -> thread dispose


  • Came across this looking for something else, the newer way (works with 1.6.20, not sure how far back it works) of doing it is to have a parameter of type Server.PerformContext in the method your expression calls and hangfire will set it automatically (like the cancellation token for site shutdowns)

    if you forgive the VB code i have this sigature for the job method

            <DisplayName("{0}")> 'use jobname param as the name of the job
            Sub RunJob(jobName As String, configID as Integer  hfContext As Server.PerformContext, cancellationToken As Hangfire.IJobCancellationToken)

    I create the job with

            Dim jobExpression As Linq.Expressions.Expression(Of Action(Of HangfireJob)) = Sub(x) x.RunJob(opt.JobName, opt.configID, Nothing, JobCancellationToken.Null)
            RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate(Of HangfireJob)(opt.SchedulerSystemJobID, jobExpression, opt.RecurringCronSchedule, tzinfo)

    And in the RunJob method to get the ID i use
