I have a specific usecase, where a person would say something like this:
I would like to recognize the intent and the slots.
Then I use Stanford Parser to parse the sentence, e.g. parsing "Note in object history object was last updated in may twenty eighteen" gives this list-of-tuple:
[('Note', 'VB'),
('in', 'IN'),
('object', 'NN'),
('history', 'NN'),
('object', 'NN'),
('was', 'VBD'),
('last', 'RB'),
('updated', 'VBN'),
('in', 'IN'),
('may', 'MD'),
('twenty', 'CD'),
('eighteen', 'CD')]
Now, my point is how can I use this information to get the necessary output:
Another issue is since the input of the NLP is from an ASR system, the capitalization is missing. And the POS Tagger mis-tags 'note' as 'NN' (instead of 'VB'). Ideally 'note'/'record' should be a verb. How do I solve this probable error?
You can use the TrueCaseAnnotator to fix case issues:
In general you probably just want to use TokensRegex and write rules patterns to handle these templates. More info here: