So every partner have this fields that I added to list fields
in my method. those fields are many2one fields with comodel 'product.category' so they are in the same table. how can I retrieve id's of all this field for a current partner?
class ClientPotential(models.Model):
_name = 'client.potential'
_description = 'Client Potential'
partner_id = fields.Many2one(
'res.partner', string='Client')
@api.onchange('partner_id', 'categ_id')
def _calculate_potential(self):
categ_obj = self.env['product.category']
fields = ['flexible_id', 'flexible_qty', 'drawer_id', 'drawer_qty',
'runner_id', 'runner_qty', 'group_1_id', 'group_1_qty', 'group_2_id',
'group_2_qty', 'group_3_id', 'group_3_qty']
for field in fields:
categ_obj +=
I think getattr will do the trick:
categ_obj = self.env['product.category']
fields = ['flexible_id', 'flexible_qty', 'drawer_id', 'drawer_qty',
'runner_id', 'runner_qty', 'group_1_id', 'group_1_qty', 'group_2_id',
'group_2_qty', 'group_3_id', 'group_3_qty']
if self.partner_id:
for field_name in fields:
categ_obj += getattr(self.partner_id, field_name)
Hope you got the idea
Man I love python because of this.