Is there any way to change title on "More" tab (text on uitabbaritem)?
well..If you want to change the title of the navigation bar of your more tab use the method given by 7KV7
and if you want to change the tab title ...
there is an another way..
suppose you have eight tabs..
1) In your tab Bar controller ...make only five tabs...remove all the other views other than five tabs..
2)lets make your fifth tab as your "more tab"...take it as a tableviewController and in it's tableView elements add elements as your sixth..seventh..eighth tab's name and image...
3)in fifthViewController's rowdidselect method navigate the sixth , seventh and eighth tab's respective view controllers..
Pros:-you can change the name and the image of the more tab
Cons:-well you can not use the edit button of your more tab where you can change the tab element's order..
try it if you are comfortable with this..