So this is the documentation of SDO_INTERSECTION :
And this is my code:
PROCEDURE ciudadInterseccionCarretera (carretera1 IN VARCHAR2,carretera2 IN
tupla Extremadura%ROWTYPE;
geomResultado SDO_GEOMETRY;
SELECT SDO_GEOM.SDO_INTERSECTION(ex1.Geom,ex2.Geom,0.05) INTO geomResultado
FROM Extremadura ex1, Extremadura ex2
WHERE ex1.Nombre = carretera1 AND ex2.Nombre = carretera2;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ciudad Intersección : '||geomResultado.SDO_GTYPE||' '||geomResultado.SDO_POINT.X);
END ciudadInterseccionCarretera;
ciudad Intersección : 2001
geomResultado is returning SDO_GTYPE properly when I execute the code, it returns 2001 as the INTERSECTION between carretera1 and carretera2 is a POINT. However I'm not able to return, for example the X coordinate of such POINT using geomResultado.SDO_POINT.X . Any ideas? I think my code is ok..
EDIT: Furthermore, when I try to use this code trying to find the intersection of two lines that doesn't really intersect, the result of the query is empty, so the problem is in SDO_POINT 100%.
Oracle has two ways of storing a point geometry
The first is in the sdo_point part of the sdo_geometry.
The other is as ordinates in the ordinate array:
In this case sdo_intersection returns a geometry with coordinates in the ordinate array. You have to get the values from there.
l_geo1 sdo_geometry := sdo_geometry(2001
,sdo_elem_info_array(1, 2, 1)
,sdo_ordinate_array(0, 0, 10, 10));
l_geo2 sdo_geometry := sdo_geometry(2001
,sdo_elem_info_array(1, 2, 1)
,sdo_ordinate_array(0, 10, 10, 0));
l_geo3 sdo_geometry;
l_x number;
l_y number;
l_geo3 := sdo_geom.sdo_intersection(l_geo1, l_geo2, 0.05);
l_x := l_geo3.sdo_ordinates(1);
l_y := l_geo3.sdo_ordinates(2);
dbms_output.put_line(l_x || ' ' || l_y);