What I want to do:
I want to print the following message as output:
Hi "alias" your phone number is "1234567890" and your email ID is "foo@bar.foo"
Python Code
name= "alias"
phone= "1234567890"
print("Hi " + name + " your phone number is " + phone + " and your email ID is " + email)
This gives me the following output:
Hi alias your phone number is 1234567890 and your email ID is foo@bar.foo
But here double quote (" ") is missing.
What I tried to solve this:
print("Hi " + \" name \" + " your phone number is " + \" phone \"+ " and your email ID is " + \" email \")
Use str.format
name= "alias"
phone= "1234567890"
result = 'Hi "{}" your phone number is {} and your email ID is {}'
print(result.format(name, phone, email))
or f-string(py3.6)
result = f'Hi "{name}" your phone number is {phone} and your email ID is {email}'