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Titanium Appcelerator - Entering Date of birth in textfield

I am trying to format my textfield where user will enter his date of birth.

Currently when user starts typing the 3rd character, i am adding "/".

But i need to add "/" when user types the 2nd character.

Please find my code below,

$.dobTextfield.addEventListener("change", function (event) {
    var dobValue = $.dobTextfield.value;

    dobValue = dobValue.replace(/\//g, '');
    var newVal = '';
    var sizes = [2, 2, 4];

    for (var i in sizes) {
        if (dobValue.length > sizes[i]) {
            newVal += dobValue.substr(0, sizes[i]) + '/';
            dobValue = dobValue.substr(sizes[i]);                   
    newVal += dobValue;
    $.dobTextfield.value = newVal;  


  • Recommendation: Use a Date Picker

    I would recommend that you replace your textfield with a label (possibly styled to look like a textfield if that is important).

    I would then add a click event to the label which would display a date picker. Date Picker Docs

    You could the update the label's value based on date picker's value.

    Solution to your existing code

    var oldValue;
    $.dobTextfield.addEventListener("change", function (event) {
        var dobValue = $.dobTextfield.value;
        // this checks to see if the user has removed a slash bu hitting backspace
        // without this the user would not be able to delete a back space
        if (oldValue == dobValue + "/") {
        var newVal = '';
        var sizes = [2, 2, 4];
        if (dobValue.length == 2 || dobValue.length == 5) {
            dobValue += "/";
        $.dobTextfield.value = dobValue;  
        oldValue = $.dobTextfield.value;

    This will enter the slash when the user types the 2nd character and will also allow the user to delete a slash using the backspace if they need to edit the date.

    Other considerations

    Your current textfield allows the user to enter an invalid date. For example the user could enter a date such as 60/99/2018. Using a date picker would remove the need for such validation.