I am generating dynamic html element from angularjs controller.I have used $compile to make ng-click work inside html element.But still it is not calling the function.
Here is my js
var accountApp = angular.module('accountApp', ['ngRoute']);
accountApp.config(['$compileProvider',function($compileProvider )
var searchHTML = '<li><a href="javascript:void(0)" data-ng-
$scope.setMarkerToCenterA = function() {
alert("this alert is not calling");
I have injected the dependencies also.Can anyone tell why ng-click is not calling function even though i am using $compile?
First you need an element where this li element will be located.
<div ng-controller="myController">
<ul id="list"></ul>
Then in your controller:
var element = angular.element("#list");
$scope.setMarkerToCenterA = function() {