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c# to geojson popup items bracketing []

I have a database of GPS coordinates and information about trucks and I’m trying to build a map with that information using GeoJson. I collect the information using MYSQL and I’m creating the GeoJson file in c#. I can create the correct GeoJson file to show the location, heading and a small popup. However; I want to expand that popup. I’ll be using 1 truck in the examples for simplification. I also changed the coordinates for this example.

My C# output;

          "subtitle":"Laatst geupdate: 23.1500 uur geleden.",
          "imageUrl":"<left blank for stacksocial>",
            "value":"text items"
        "tooltip":"Laatst geupdate: 23.1500 uur geleden.",

The truck will show on the map, but the items will not be shown due to missing the following brackets: ‘[]’

The desired output (see ‘[‘ and ‘]’ around the item):

          "subtitle":"Laatst geupdate: 23.1500 uur geleden.",
          "imageUrl":"<left blank for stacksocial>",
          "items":[ /*HERE*/
              "value":"text items"
          ] /* HERE */
        "tooltip":"Laatst geupdate: 23.1500 uur geleden.",

My C# Code:

public class Marker
    public string prefix;
    public string icon;
    public string markerColor;
    public string iconColor;
    public bool square;
    public bool circle;
    public bool pureIcon;
    public string layer;
    public string size;

public class Popup
    public string title;
    public string subtitle;
    public string imageUrl;
    public Items items;

public class Items
    public string type;
    public string label;
    public string value;

public class Properties
    public Popup popup;
    public string tooltip;
    public Marker marker;

public class Geometry
    public string type;
    public double[] coordinates;

public class Feature
    public string type;
    public Properties properties;
    public Geometry geometry;

public class GeoJSON
    public string type;
    public List<Feature> features;

public class SinglePosition
    public string headingicon;
    public string ts;
    public string Lastupdate;
    public string ticksts;
    public string ticksnow;
    public double lat;
    public double lng;
    public int heading;
    public string devId;
    public int heading1;

public static object[] Evaluate(object[] input)
    string dbres = input[0].ToString();

    var allPositions = dbres.FromJSON<SinglePosition[]>();
    if (allPositions == null || allPositions.Length == 0)
        return null;

    var toMap = new GeoJSON() { type = "FeatureCollection", features = new List<Feature>() };

    foreach (var p in allPositions)
        if ((p.heading > 315) || (p.heading <= 45))
            p.headingicon = "fa-chevron-up";
        else if ((p.heading > 45) && (p.heading <= 135))
            p.headingicon = "fa-chevron-right";
        else if ((p.heading > 135) && (p.heading <= 225))
            p.headingicon = "fa-chevron-down";
        else if ((p.heading > 225) && (p.heading <= 315))
            p.headingicon = "fa-chevron-left";
            p.headingicon = "fa-car";
        toMap.features.Add(new Feature()
            type = "Feature",
            properties = new Properties()
                popup = new Popup()
                    title = p.devId,
                    subtitle = "Laatst geupdate: " + p.Lastupdate + " uur geleden.",
                    imageUrl = "<URL>",

                    items = new Items()
                        type = "text",
                        label = "text",
                        value = "text items"
                tooltip = "Laatst geupdate: " + p.Lastupdate + " uur geleden.",
                marker = new Marker()
                    prefix = "fa", // glyphicon or fa
                    icon = p.headingicon,
                    markerColor = "#003da5",
                    iconColor = "white",  // #b60055
                    square = false,
                    circle = false,
                    pureIcon = false,
                    layer = "layer1",
                    size = "medium"
            geometry = new Geometry()
                type = "Point",
                coordinates = new double[] { p.lng, }

    return new object[] { toMap.ToJSON() };

I have read online that those ‘[]’ brackets are attributes, but I have no idea how to use them. How could I use them in my code so that the class items uses them?


  • These brackets ([]) indicate an array, both in your JSON and in C#. You could just make items of the type Items[], but that would limit you to a fixed size array, so i choose List<Item> for the Task.

    This should work:

    // ...
    popup = new Popup
        title = p.devId,
        subtitle = "Laatst geupdate: " + p.Lastupdate + " uur geleden.",
        imageUrl = "<URL>",
        items = new List<Item>
            new Item
                type = "text",
                label = "text",
                value = "text items"
    // ...
    public class Popup
        public string title;
        public string subtitle;
        public string imageUrl;
        public List<Item> items;
    public class Item
        public string type;
        public string label;
        public string value;
    // ...