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Display minimum value excluding zero along with adjacent column value from each year + Python 3+, dataframe

I have a dataframe with three columns as Year, Product, Price. I wanted to calculate minimum value excluding zero from Price from each year. Also wanted to populate adjacent value from column Product to the minimum value.


Year  Product       Price
2000   Grapes       0
2000   Apple        220
2000   pear         185
2000   Watermelon   172
2001   Orange       0 
2001   Muskmelon    90
2001   Pear         165
2001   Watermelon   99

Desirable output in new dataframe:

Year  Minimum Price  Product
2000  172            Watermelon  
2001  90             Muskmelon   


  • First filter out 0 rows by boolean indexing:

    df1 = df[df['Price'] != 0]

    And then use DataFrameGroupBy.idxmin for indices for minimal Price per groups with selecting by loc:

    df2 = df1.loc[df1.groupby('Year')['Price'].idxmin()]

    Alternative is use sort_values with drop_duplicates:

    df2 = df1.sort_values(['Year', 'Price']).drop_duplicates('Year')
    print (df2)
       Year     Product  Price
    3  2000  Watermelon    172
    5  2001   Muskmelon     90

    If possible multiple minimal values and need all of them per groups:

    print (df)
       Year     Product  Price
    0  2000      Grapes      0
    1  2000       Apple    220
    2  2000        pear    172
    3  2000  Watermelon    172
    4  2001      Orange      0
    5  2001   Muskmelon     90
    6  2001        Pear    165
    7  2001  Watermelon     99
    df1 = df[df['Price'] != 0]
    df = df1[df1['Price'].eq(df1.groupby('Year')['Price'].transform('min'))]
    print (df)
       Year     Product  Price
    2  2000        pear    172
    3  2000  Watermelon    172
    5  2001   Muskmelon     90


    print (df)
       Year     Product  Price
    0  2000      Grapes      0
    1  2000       Apple    220
    2  2000        pear    185
    3  2000  Watermelon    172
    4  2001      Orange      0
    5  2001   Muskmelon     90
    6  2002        Pear      0
    7  2002  Watermelon      0
    df['Price'] = df['Price'].replace(0, np.nan)
    df2 = df.sort_values(['Year', 'Price']).drop_duplicates('Year')
    df2['Product'] = df2['Product'].mask(df2['Price'].isnull(), 'No data')
    print (df2)
       Year     Product  Price
    3  2000  Watermelon  172.0
    5  2001   Muskmelon   90.0
    6  2002     No data    NaN