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Where are the volumes located when using ECS and Fargate?

I have the following setup (I've stripped out the non-important fields):

    "ECSTask": {
      "Type": "AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition",
      "Properties": {
        "ContainerDefinitions": [
            "Name": "mysql",
            "Image": "mysql",
            "MountPoints": [{"SourceVolume": "mysql", "ContainerPath": "/var/lib/mysql"}]
        "RequiresCompatibilities": ["FARGATE"],
        "Volumes": [{"Name": "mysql"}]

It seems to work (the container does start properly), but I'm not quite sure where exactly is this volume being saved. I assumed it would be an EBS volume, but I don't see it there. I guess it's internal to my task - but in that case - how do I access it? How can I control its limits (min/max size etc)? How can I create a backup for this volume?



  • Fargate does not support persistent volumes. Any volumes created attached to fargate tasks are ephemeral and cannot be initialized from an external source or backed up, sadly.