I am trying to validate null or empty values for the variables $var1
and $var2
. Can someone tell what I am doing wrong?
Param (
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$var1 = $defaultvar1,
[ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$var2 = $defaultvar2
Write-Host "Value of Variable 1 : $var1 "
Write-Host "Value of Variable 2 : $var2 "
PS> .\testing.ps1 Value of Variable 1 : Value of Variable 2 : PS> $defaultvar1=123 PS> $defaultvar2=678 PS> .\testing.ps1 Value of Variable 1 : 123 Value of Variable 2 : 678 PS> $defaultvar2="" PS> .\testing.ps1 Value of Variable 1 : 123 Value of Variable 2 :
As Lee_Dailey points out:
Parameter default values are not validated - the assumption is that you, as the function author, will ensure that the values are valid.
A simpler example:
PS> & { param([ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $foo = '') "foo: [$foo]" }
foo: []
That is, ''
was happily accepted as the default value, even though it contradicts [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]
Additionally, you generally shouldn't use function-external variable values as parameter default values, because it'll make the function's behavior hard to predict.
Instead, use:
$foo = 'bar'
$foo = (Get-Date)
)That said, as Mike Shepard points out, referencing variables is an option, if: