Search code examples

Search values from columns with MySQL and TypeORM

How can I do a fulltext query in MySQL with TypeORM in its latest version?

I want to search all the people that has a determinate word or phrase. For example, in the table "People" has:

name: string;

lastname: string;

personalDescription: string;

So if I enter "Andrés", "Niko", "I am developer" or whatever, I want to find who have that info through the functionality "Full-text" of MySQL among the name, lastname, and personalDescription of an user.



  • I do not have much experience with mysql fulltext. But my simple test is running.


    export class User {
        id: number;
        @Index({ fulltext: true })
        name: string;
        @Index({ fulltext: true })
        lastname: string;
        @Index({ fulltext: true })
        personalDescription: string;

    Select using query builder:

    const searchTerm = "programmer";
    const result = await connection.manager.getRepository(User)
                .where(`MATCH(lastname) AGAINST ('${searchTerm}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)`)
                .orWhere(`MATCH(name) AGAINST ('${searchTerm}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)`)
                .orWhere(`MATCH(personalDescription) AGAINST ('${searchTerm}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)`)

    If you need more advanced fulltext search you have to check mysql documentation.